•  Paolo Chu Benitez

To my dearest Inang,

Who taught me compassion and warmth. Who never not had a reason to smile. Who always charmed with her honest and sincere heart. My second mother, my counselor and my conscience. You taught me what it meant to be kind, and for that, I will always be grateful. As bright as the north star and as warm as the sun after the rain, I will never forget the spark you’ve given little old me.

You’ve taught me the value of what it means to be first, to set a shining example. Wherever you went, you never failed to make someone smile, and even on a bad day too. I hope to do you proud by doing the same. One day, I’ll grow to set off that same spark for those to come, and someday when we meet again, we’ll have plenty of happy stories to share.

I know now why pink is our favorite color, for it is strong, yet gentle, loud, yet compassionate. It beckons you to remember it in all its uniqueness, and lay down your arms in awe of its effeminate magnificence.

Love always, your Baby Apo.

